Politics and the English Language

After watching the presidential democratic candidates closing statements in the debate, one thing is clear: all of them said words that mean nothing. Now before you start to question what the previous statement really means, think about George Orwell and his commentary on how people are killing the English language. Orwell goes on about how people use big words, or words with double meaning to persuade people without actually saying something that makes sense. This can clearly be seen in the first candidates closing remarks, stating,"We are on a mission to find the America that's been lost...we are a country that used to do things...we did these things with real solutions...etc" At first listen these statements put together may not sound deceiving, but when you really think about these statements, they make absolutely no sense in context or out of it. How has America been lost? What 'things' did we do? What are these 'real' solutions? When you really look at the words that are being used, they are ambiguous in meaning. Talking a lot, yet saying absolutely nothing. These types of words and phrases are exactly what Orwell was hint at when talking about the decay of the English language. People are using words that don't really say anything or they use a wide range of vocabulary that can be cut down to mean nothing. These candidates are talking in circles, not really ever reaching a target. It's frustrating hearing them talk and not really say anything of importance, it's a tactic of persuasion that once seen, makes you mad that you could've fallen for at a certain point. It's amazing how decades later, after Orwell has made his points on the decay of the English language; that examples proving his point can still be found today.


Anonymous said…
Hi Zhara! I completely agree that some of the candidates said things that sounded pretty and nice, but didn't make any sense when you think about it. A lot of them didn't really give solutions to problems and were super vague.

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